
Saturday, November 2, 2013


The ship has been a symbol of the church since the first century. This is perhaps due to the recurrence of stories involving ships in the Bible like the Ark saving Noah’s family during the Flood (Genesis 6) or Jesus calming the storm and protecting Peter’s boat and the apostles on the Sea of Galilee.

“Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed.” (Mark 6:51)

“Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, “You are truly the Son of God!” (Matthew 14:33)
"And consider ships: though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs." (James 3:4)
Since the ship’s mast forms a cross, it was also a useful “secret” symbol to identify early Christians. We still call the main part of the church building a “nave” after the Latin word “navis” which means ship.

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Das Schiff ist ein Symbol für die Kirche seit dem ersten Jahrhundert. Dies ist vielleicht aufgrund des Wiederauftretens von Geschichten von Schiffen in der Bibel von der Erzählung Noah (Genesis 6) bis zu den verschiedenen neutestamentarischen Geschichten von Jesus; dem Meer von Galiläa; die Beruhigung des Sturms; usw.

"Dann stieg er in das Boot mit ihnen, und der Wind legte sich. Sie waren völlig überrascht." (Markus 6,51)
“Die Jünger im Boot warfen sich vor Jesus nieder und riefen: : "Wahrlich, Du bist der Sohn Gottes!" (Matthäus 14,33)
“Oder denkt an ein Schiff: Es ist groß und wird von starken Winden getrieben; trotzdem wird es mit einem winzigen Ruder gesteuert, wohin der Steuermann es haben will.“ (Jakobus 3:4)
Da der Schiffsmast ein Kreuz bilded war es auch ein nützliches "Geheimsymbol" um die frühen Christen zu identifizieren. Wir nennen auch heute noch den Hauptteil der Kirche ein "Kirchenschiff".
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And here is the PDF "Ship" for you to download.
Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.
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updated 11/07/2015:
I am also a lacemaker and am working on what I have dreamed about for quite some time:
the Chrismons in Lace Series.
This is a design by Brigitte Bellon. She is incredible generous and allowed me to share her pattern here with you for your own personal use PDF “ Ship “

Here is my finished lace for my Advent calendar:


  1. This turned out beautiful. I have also made the wheat and your epiphany star. All turned out gorgeous.

  2. I am making the baptismal she'll now. Thank you so much for sharing these patterns. They will be a great addition to our Chrismon tree at Grace Lutheran Church in Eugene Or.

    1. THANK YOU so much for these comments. It keeps me motivated to know that somebody actually used my patterns, found them good to work with and is happy about it. Would love to blog a picture of your tree or anything you would like to share.
