
Saturday, November 2, 2013


The rooster represents Peter's denial of Christ and also stands for his remorse and repentance upon hearing the rooster's crow the next morning which Jesus predicted correctly prior to being arrested by the soldiers.
Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly. (Matthew 26:75)

In many cultures, the rooster's habit of crowing at the dawning of each new morning made it a symbol of the daily victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. This habit, along with its fiery comb, made the rooster the symbol of fire; the sun; and Christ, the light of the world, who announces an end to spiritual darkness and despair.

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Der Hahnstellt die Verleugnung des Petrus von Christus dar und steht auch für seineReue und Buße nach dem Hören des Hahnenschrei am nächsten Morgen was Jesus richtig vorhersagte bevor ervon den Soldaten festgenommen wurde.
Der Hahnkrähte zum zweiten Mal und Petrus erinnerte sich an das Wort, das Jesus zu ihmgesagt hatte: "Ehe der Hahn zweimal kräht, wirst du mich dreimalverleugnen." Und er ging hinaus und weinte bitterlich. (Matthäus 26:75)

Invielen Kulturen gilt der Hahn wegen seiner Gewohnheit am Anbruch eines jedenneuen Morgen zu krähen als ein Symbol des täglichen Sieg des Lichtes über dieFinsternis und den Triumph des Guten über das Böse. Diese Gewohnheit, zusammenmit seinem feurigen Kamm, machte den Hahn das Symbol des Feuers, der Sonne, undChristus, das Licht der Welt, und kündigt das Ende geistiger Finsternis undVerzweiflung an.

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And here is the PDF "Rooster" for you to download.
Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

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I am also a lacemaker. So I am finally working on what I also had dreamed about for quite some time: the Chrismons in Lace Series.

This is a design by Brigitte Bellon and can be found in the
Heartland Lace Guild newsletter Pillow Talk #95
A membership form can be found here.

update 02/07/2015:
Brigitte Bellon is incredible generous and allowed me to share her pattern here with you for your own personal use PDF “Rooster”

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