
Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to wrap for the gift-giving of the 3-D miniature ornaments

To wrap the 3-D ornaments to give to the children of the church is a bit more complicated. But again, you can involve fellow church members. Many people were very happy to help with this and it is always great fellowship.

First, print this PDF.

These two pages are your templates. Use the page with the two rectangles to line up your message. Print it on another piece, cut it out and glue it into/over the rectangles. I do cut it larger so I cover up the box lines, but do make sure to leave margins. I usually do this on a glass door or window so I can see the lines.

Use these templates to print on stiffer paper like 65 lbs card stock. Make sure when you print the second page on the back that it is the right way around. I always print as many as I need + 1 of the box shape side and then print only one first of the other. Cut ruffly and you know whether it is o.k. and you can print the rest.

Cut all around the solid lines of the box. Also cut the two slits (you might have to cut them a little longer. I lost my original file and can't change it.).

Use a ruler and a knitting needle or the back of a knife to score the dotted lines and fold. Put a little Elmer's glue on A and attach to other side. Fold the bottom parts in. I usually put some tape across the bottom just to be safe.

I hope you enjoy this part too.

PS: Don't forget the green tissue paper from the florist like for the flat ornaments!

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