
Friday, November 1, 2013

Eight-Point Holy Baptism Star

The eight point star is known as the “Holy Baptism Star”. Baptism is sometimes thought of as the eighth day of creation. That is, beyond the seven days of creation God created a new day, a new beginning through Jesus’ resurrection. We begin to live in this new day through Baptism. 

Also, Peter uses the symbolism of eight when he writes about baptism. “These were the spirits of those who had not obeyed God when he waited patiently during the day that Noah was building his boat. The few people in the boat – eight in all – were saved by the water, which was a symbol pointing to baptism, which now saves you. It is not the washing off of bodily dirt, but the promise made to God from a good conscience. It saves you through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.“  
                                                                                                                                 1 Peter 3:20,21 

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Heilige Taufe Stern

Der Acht-Punkte-Stern ist bekannt als der "Heilige Taufe Stern". Die Taufe wird manchmal als der achte Tag der Schöpfung gedacht. Das heißt, hinter den sieben Tagen der Schöpfung Gottes schuf einen neuen Tag, ein neuer Anfang durch die Auferstehung Jesu.
Wir beginnen an diesem neuen Tag durch die Taufe neu zu leben. Außerdem nutzt Petrus die Symbolik von acht als er über die Taufe schreibt.
"Das waren die Geister derer, die einst nicht hören wollten, als Gott in seiner Geduld zuwartete in den Tagen, da Noah die Arche baute; in ihr wurden ein paar wenige, nämlich acht Seelen, gerettet durch das Wasser hindurch. Dieses rettet jetzt auch euch, im entsprechenden Bild der Taufe; sie dient nicht der Reinigung des Körpers von Schmutz, sondern ist die Zusage fester Bindung an Gott - dank der Auferstehung Jesu Christi ”. (1. Petrus 3:20,21)

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 And here is the PDF "Eight-Point Holy Baptism Star" for you to download.

Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

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updated 05/01/2015: 
I am also a lacemaker and am working on what I have dreamed about for quite some time:
the Chrismons in Lace Series.
This is a design by Brigitte Bellon. She is incredible generous and allowed me to share her pattern here with you for your own personal use PDF“Eight-Point Holy Baptism Star"

Here is my finished lace for my Advent calendar:


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