
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bottony Cross

Because this variation of a Latin Cross has three ‘buds’ on the end of each arm of the cross, it is sometimes called the “Budded Cross.”  The cross always reminds us of Jesus’ great gift to us through his death and resurrection.  The three-leafed clover end caps of the Bottony Cross also remind us of the Trinity.  A connection can also be made with Aaron’s staff that budded (see Numbers 17) and was preserved in the Ark of the Covenant, showing that life can emerge from death and renewed life from difficult circumstances.  The buds might also remind us that we are like buds of a flower, growing in faith, but not yet in full bloom. 

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”                                                            (John 10:10)

The gold beads on the left, right and bottom symbolize the nail marks on Jesus’ hands and feet,the gold circle in the middle God’s unending love.

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Bottony Kreuz

Da diese Variante eines lateinischen Kreuzes drei "Knospen" am Ende eines jeden Arm des Kreuzes hat, ist es manchmal auch als "Knospen Kreuz" bekannt. Das Kreuz erinnert uns immer an das große Geschenk von Jesu an uns durch seinen Tod und seine Auferstehung. Die drei Glücksklee-Endkappen des Kreuzes erinnern uns auch an die Dreifaltigkeit. Eine Verbindung kann auch mit Aaron's Hirtenstab vorgenommen werden, der Knospen trieb (siehe: Nummern 17), der in der Bundeslade aufbewahrt wurde, und zeigt dass Leben von Tod und neues Leben aus schwierigen Verhältnissen entstehen kann. Die Knospen können auch daran erinnern, dass wir wie Knospen einer Blume sind, wachsen im Glauben, aber noch nicht in voller Blüte.

Jesus sagte: "Ich bin gekommen, dass sie das Leben haben und es in Fülle haben." (Johannes 10,10)

Die Goldperlen links, rechts und unten symbolisieren die Nagelmarkierungen auf den Händen und Füßen von Jesu, der goldene Kreis in der Mitte die unendliche Liebe Gottes. 

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 And here is the PDF "Bottony Cross" for you to download.

Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

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  1. Thank you so much for the PDF for the beaded cross!
    God bless!

  2. Sorry, I had to copy. I'm in South Africa. I teach crafts to underprivileged children aged 9 - 13 so that they will have something to fall back on one day, or even sell now to get money to help their grannies to care for them. They afterschool at a centre in the black township for orphans and outreach run by the Anglican Church. So please forgive me, I want them to make some Chrismons for their tree in the centre at their Christmas Party in December. Thank you. Janet
