
Monday, July 22, 2013

Six-Pointed Star of David

The Six-Pointed Star of David is a reminder of Israel’s greatest and most loving king, who died after reigning 40 years, wrote psalms, ancestor of Jesus. It is the symbol of the Hebrew people.

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.”        
                        (Psalm 8: 3-5   A psalm of David)

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The explanation of the Star of David seen on a huge wood carving of the nativity in “Church of our Lady” in Bruges, Belgium: It consists of two triangles which are crossing each other. "One triangle strives upward to power and dominance, the other one bows down in humble service. In the same way Christ comes from above, the Father to us on Christmas night."

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Dieser sechs-Spitzen Stern von David ist eine Erinnerung an den größten und meist geliebten König Israels: starb nach 40 Jahren des Regierens, schrieb Psalmen, Vorfahre von Jesus. Es ist das Symbol des hebräischen Volkes.

"Wenn ich deinen Himmel sehe, das Werk deiner Finger, den Mond und die Sterne, die du hingesetzt hast: Was ist der Mensch, dass du seiner gedenkst, und des Menschen Kind, dass du dich seiner annimmst? Du hast ihn wenig geringer gemacht als Gott, mit Ehre und Hoheit hast du ihn gekrönt."
                                                   (Psalm 8: 3-5 Ein Psalm Davids)

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 And here is the PDF "Star of David" for you to download.

Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

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Another one in the ...
Chrismons in Lace Series.

This is a design by Brigitte Bellon and can be found in the
Heartland Lace Guild newsletter Pillow Talk #92
A membership form can be found here.

update 02/07/2015:
Brigitte Bellon is incredible generous and allowed me to share her pattern here with you for your own personal use PDF “Star of David”

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1 comment:

  1. I love your Chrismon ornament pattern and post. We had a tree of Chrismon ornaments at our church in Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee. I look forward to seeing it at Christmas each year and also to thinking about the meaning of each of the ornaments.
