
Thursday, August 9, 2018



The word Key/s is mentioned several times in the bible depending on the translation. It is an important symbol in the Christian Church.

Deuteronomy 30:20 (New Living Translation): 
You can make this choice by loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life.

Revelation 1:18: 
I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

The crossed keys are best known as the symbol for Saint Peter.

In the Gospel of Matthew 16:19, Jesus says to Peter: 
"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

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And here is the PDF "Keys" for you to download.
Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

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I am also a lacemaker and am working on what I have dreamed about for quite some time: 
the Chrismons in Lace Series.

This is a design by me and you may download the PDF "Chrismon in Lace Series - Keys"  for your own personal use.

Here is my finished lace for my Advent calendar:

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Answering a question about the Wheat Chrismon

The Wheat is a design I think from 2007. When I wanted to make a few more ornaments some time ago I realized that I did not have any more of the gold foil. I had ordered the first roll from the Internet and it was not available any longer. Yes, you will find that also happenes sometimes with the special size pearls or beads.

I searched in local craft stores too and finally decided on Plan-B. Craft store Michaels had a roll of this:

I cut a strip off a little wider then the leaf should be high. Peel the adhesive paper off and fold the strip double on itself. The white sides are now sticking to each other and you have gold on both sides. Cut like the directions say.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jerusalem Cross

I designed this Chrismon in memory of our trip to Israel last year in September. It was an incredible experience to walk where Jesus might have walked and many of his disciples. Of course I have blogged daily on this trip. If you would like to read about it, click on the tap to my main blog and then Travel!

 The Jerusalem Cross is known since the 11th century when the crusaders captured the city and made it its emblem.
This cross consists of a cross potent (or crutch cross) with a bar on each end. And one smaller greek cross with equal length arms in each quadrant.
There are several explanations found for this cross. — The large cross symbolizes Christ and the four smaller crosses the four Gospels. — Another belief is that the smaller crosses symbolize the four corners of the earth Jesus wanted his message carried to. — Another suggests the five-fold cross reminds us of the Five Wounds of Christ with the four smaller crosses symbolizing the four wounds on Jesus’ hands and feet and the larger cross his pierced heart.

At Jesus’ time there was only one temple in all of Israel to worship God and it was in Jerusalem. Synagogues were houses of assembly to learn and study. Jews were required to travel to the temple in Jerusalem once a year to worship.

Now every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up as usual for the festival.” (Luke 2:41-42)

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And here is the PDF "Jerusalem Cross" for you to download.

Please do not sell the patterns or the ornaments. If you give them as gifts, please always include the explanation of the symbol.
I would love to hear from all who are using my patterns. It would be nice to know that my efforts are not in vain. You find my email address on the pattern if you have any question about it. Happy to help.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Which one?

In September my husband and I were lucky enough to visit Jordan and Israel. I thought my newest Chrismon should be the Jerusalem Cross. I am very happy with the big cross in the center but can't decide on the four little crosses. I have questioned my family and got mixed answers.

Which one do you like best?



I hope very much that you will leave a comment.
Thank you!