
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Material list and request

I had written the following blog some time ago but never posted it (can't remember why). Well, here it is.
While I have your attention ... if you do use any of my patterns, I so would like to hear from you.  Better yet, I would love it if you would send pictures (of your group, your Christmas tree, your church' Christmas tree) and a little article what you and your group are doing, any suggestions, links to patterns somewhere else, I would be very grateful and would like to put it in a blog!!!



Oh oh, my supply is dangerously low. Time to fill up "my stash". So I updated my Excel-spreadsheet and thought I share it with you since it is done anyway.

First version: ornaments by alphabet

Second version: first the small ones, then the large ones in groups.

I hope you find this helpful. Also, I was made aware that one of the patterns didn't open. I have fixed that. If you ever find a problem or mistake, please let me know. You find my email on every pattern.