
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Yearly Tradition

Working on the Christmons to give away ... to all the children in the church ... and also for my own personal gift-giving. This year I made 80 of the shell. The shell is especially significant to us this year since it is also the sign of the "Camino". This spring my dear husband James made the pilgrimage from St Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostella walking 500+ miles. He wrote a Blog every day if you are interested. It was an incredible experience for him.

And in July our first grandson William was baptized, also a very meaningful event for us. 

Some lovely ladies in the church strung 56 for me - a big time saving for me.

First Sunday afternoon in December we had a workshop at the church. The Chrismons needed to be wrapped in the acid free green tissue paper. And then we each made a big Chrismon for the church tree. This is the best way to learn if they would like to make the smaller for their gift-giving at home.

When we were done we marched into church and hung the new additions. It's a good feeling for all.

The 2nd Sunday of Advent was "Chrismon Sunday". We had mailed the cards (explained here) about 10 days earlier and had blank ones ready for those who forgot (which is usually more then half ha-ha).
This is how we do it so it is fun but the service stays dignified: Our Rector explains the Chrismon symbol to the children during the children's sermon (I would have liked to take a picture but was't sure I should). Then he says a prayer over the Chrismons and asks The Lord that "...bless we pray these Chrismons and grant that those who look upon them may have their hearts drawn to things which can only be seen by the eye of faith through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN"

Just before the end of the service I slipped out, stood at the exit and gave each child his/her Christian ornament. Since we moved here in 2008 this was the 6th ornament. The children seem to love it.